200,000 PP Woven Bags, 160,000 square meters Laminated PP Woven Fabric...The central reserve flood prevention materials arrived in Sichuan

21 Aug 2020


Fonte: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1675527053209949007&wfr=spider&for=pc

On August 20, the reporter learned from the Sichuan Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters that the State Grain and Material Reserve Bureau, in accordance with the "Sichuan Provincial Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters Request for Supporting Our Province’s Flood Control and Emergency Supplies" (Sichuan Fangzhixun 202019), The study decided that the National Defense Office urgently used the central reserve of 12,000 flood prevention materials lead wire mesh sheets, 200000 PP Woven Bags, 1,000 steel mesh bags, 1,000 high-strength rescue net bags, and 160,000 square meters of Laminated PP Woven Fabric to support flood relief work in Sichuan Province.

It is reported that most of the materials allocated by the central government arrived in Sichuan on August 19, and the materials will be used to support flood control and relief work in Deyang, Mianyang, Ya'an, Leshan, Meishan, Suining, Neijiang and other places.